All is possible

Category: Techinque Page 8 of 18

Real Crop Problem

It's in people's heads.

As they say, the picture is worth a thousand words, and a thousand calculations, I thought directly reference images were the best answer.

The image below compares the framing of two pocket4k and pocket6k for the Pocket6k Super35 sensor and the pocket4k 4/3 sensor (not micro 4/3 to read well).

Placing the easel 3 meters from the photo window, these images show that the crop difference is not extreme and it is not a real problem as it goes to demonstrate in so many absurd calculations.

As you can see in these comparison shots with some fixed focus 24-28-35-50 interior, not so dramatic.

Also because there are so many features in the narrow area (and three meters is not much), I thought it would be useful to create a simple scheme between the two rooms to see how important the crop system is when we are nearby because the difference in angle is smaller than being far from the a wrong problem because you can move to correct the shot.

The real Crop problem

It's in people's heads…

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and a thousand calculations, I thought direct reference images were the best answer.

The images you find below are the comparison of the framing of two pocket4k and pocket6k then the 4/3 sensor of the pocket4k (not micro 4/3 as you often read, because that is the attack) against the Super35 sensor of the pocket6k.

Placing the easel 3 meters from the photo window these images show that the difference of crop is not extreme, it is not a real problem as so many go to demonstrate with so many absurd calculations.

As you can see in these comparison shots with several fixed focals 24-28-35-50 in an interior is not so dramatic.

Also since there are so many features in the narrow places (and 3 meters are not many) I thought it was useful to create a simple scheme between the two rooms so you see how the crop system is less important when we are up close, because the angle difference is less compared to being further away from the subject, but if you are further apart, you can move to compensate for the shots, so it's a false problem.

Covid19 – 1 – Shopping in 2020

Today I’m prolific, no, it’s not true, it’s that some things stay on standby for a long time, sometimes for too long…

Since we are forced home we could take advantage of all the onLine services to shop and buy the necessary without going out, and if we go out, do it as smartly as possible. Theoretically mine should be a foregone post, but since I know many people for whom my advice has been wonderful discoveries, I make them public.

Spending onLine supermarkets

Many supermarkets, large and small allow online shopping and home delivery, allowing a small number of people around to spread the contagion, both as unwitting carriers, and as infected by touching where others have left the virus. Google your nearest supermarket to optimize your expenses

Physical expense

For some people, shopping is an excuse to go out, often too many times, as friends from supermarkets are embarrassed to find the same person three to four times a day in front of the checkout with bags, when the same supermarket offers the home delivery and online shopping.

By putting the need for spending we can optimize the spending by doing it every 4-5 days by taking some care:

  • Create the shopping list on your phone, as you notice the shortcomings, so we have less risk of finding out back home what was missing.
  • create a “menu” of the week, so as to have a pleasant turnover of the products to buy and at the same time a healthy and varied diet, avoiding compulsive purchases, and above all we have the certainty that we do not have to go out again due to the lack of some Type.
  • put the products in order of route, that is, the list of the shopping list in order of the path you do in the supermarket (which every super small or large has to entice you to buy more. The purpose of the order is to do the shopping as quickly as possible, to reduce the time of contagion of yours and at the same time allow other people to do the shopping, because we are not the only ones to need.
  • create a plan B, that is, for at least 50% of the products a second option so that if they are not available we do not turn to research, but we already know what to take.
  • buy fresh (fruit, vegetables, milk) with the longest possible storage dates
  • stock up on long-lasting products (milk, canned goods, pasta)
  • buy meat/fish and possibly freeze or freeze it for longer storage
  • optimize the purchase of carbohydrates (bread, breadsticks et) to avoid falling too much into temptation (i’m the first).
Online newspapers

So many newspapers, newspapers, magazines have the online version, subscribe, even temporarily to the online version allows us to stay up to date and keep alive small and large newsrooms that right now are also feeling a great work difficulties

Amazon Spend is the world reference for online shopping, and don’t overlook that there are so many mundane everyday products, from light bulbs to slippers that can get us home without wasting time.

The Prime service that offers you music, movies, television series included in the subscription.

Amazon Pantry

Many people don’t know the Pantry program, which offers supermarket purchases inside amazon, so all kinds of food, soaps, pet food and much more.




Shooting with Cinema Cameras

From many years there has been the “fashion” of shooting with photo cameras, even at the cost of working worse than the video cameras (lack of continuous video autofocus, bad audio, management issues on long shots, lack of stabilization, ergonomics for video etc etc) and we almost forgot about the photographic part. In the past I made a provocative post on one of the most used cameras for video, analyzing the photographic part, today I will make an even more shocking article… take pictures with a cinema camera… Blackmagic Design pocket4k.
In fact this “claim” has been happening for centuries, since the 90s customers have been asking for grabs of video in interlaced SD format to pass them on to the graphics for the creation of the covers of the VHS, and with embarrassment I tried to explain and make it clear that the definition, the quality of the color, and many other elements would have caused low-level results…

Around 2009 (so only recently) Red was the first to propose frame extractions from their 4k shoots as an alternative to photographs, and it seemed that that blasphemy was going to ruin the world of photography, when in fact anyone has any Technical cognition of video and photography shooting knows that or shoot for video (correct shutter for the perception of movement) or shoot for photography (high shutter for sharp images without microblur).

With the Red’s high costs, this project was shelved by marketing that sought to sell the Reds as photo cameras, but had no appearance, ergonomics and complete advantages over traditional Reflex.

Recently (August 2019) due to a last-minute technical snag, the unusable camera, I had to “invent” an efficient way to use what I had to photograph, namely the Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera 4k.
The camera is a 4k sensor camera developed by Sony (the same tech as the gh5s and Sony ALpha7), with the ability to shoot via the photo button of uncompressed DNG frames or shoot… that is to make bursts of 60 frames per second of 10 mpx for … a lot of time.

The photo shoot button was implemented to be able to capture raw uncompressed frames for VFX use or to make images with the same colormetry as the movie (my request to BMD from the first cinema camera, where I emulated this operation with the function of the timelapse, and later also with the 4K Production Camera), but it has a defect it’s SLOOOOW!!!

The responsiveness of the button makes this function unusable for a more serious photo shoot, but using the video shot instead and then extracting the raw frames, is a more flexible and efficient solution for the final result.

During the morning, overcome the fears of shooting, managed the problems of focusing in the sun, eventually exploiting false colors and peaking I managed to bring home a fair number of shots.

Once I chose the filling time I used the wheel to change the diaphragm, quiet that in raw I could handle iso without problem in the post (the pocket has a raw iso invariant), a proper time to handle the light, which being constant I did not have to touch more than so much, with manual focus (to which I am also used in the photo shoot) I found myself quite quiet in the shots.

I voluntarily chose to use a Lexar 128gb that supports recording in Q0 for a few seconds, so instead of worrying about the fact that the board would only allow me to shoot for a few seconds, I worked as if I had that card for the gusts of 3-4 seconds at a time. I could have used the connected ssd, but I would have had to click more on the camera button, instead it was like shooting with a camera, but more frames per second, for longer 😀

Once I got home I checked the images, the Dng that I tried to shoot in parallel to have alternatives to the sequence in Braw Q0 and in the end I was surprised how the differences between dng and braw in Q0 were almost null in sharpness , DR and general quality.

Not many people have noticed that BMDs with the new Os have the ability to shoot using Shutter angle or in more familiar shutter time like in photography.
To avoid the microblur I chose to work at 1/520, adapting diaphragm and iso to manage the exposure.

The workflow I developed to then manage the material is simple:

  • Import braw into Resolve.
  • Creating the timeline with clips.
  • Navigating and choosing the frames that interest us.
  • From the Camera panel, use the Export Frame feature to save a braw frame (without recompression we save a raw frame for storage).
  • Create a new project that will load the individual raw and Dng frames and then export a sequence of TIFF 16bits with the correct raw file colormetry.
  • import into a normal photo management program (Photoshop, Lightroom, CaptureOne) for normal photographic features.

Alternatively, those who use Adobe Premiere can do the same thing by purchasing the Braw Studio of Autokroma, developer Antoine introduced at my request the function of exporting a 16bit frame directly from the raw source from version 1.61.


  • Rich colormetry with large workspace
  • Photographic sequences of almost infinite duration, great for sport and fashion
  • In case of difficult focus it is possible to seal during the shooting to have the sequential fire certainties
  • You already have the room with you while you make the videos


  • Longer-than-usual workflow
  • Difficult shooting without aids (a simple Shade box solves the problem).
  • Need for larger supports.
  • Shutter that can’t go below 1/24 or go above 1/720

Below you can see an example where it becomes unlikely to find out which is sourceD Dng and what is a BrawQ0 frame, only by downloading the originals from which the models are excluded, by copyright issue.

From here I can think that the purchase of the sister 6k (21mpx resolution) becomes an interesting solution in those situations where fires are more controllable and the need to grasp with gusts shades and details that in the gusts of a camera traditional show their limits.

Of course this is an alternative solution, but not primary where a camera with a thousand and more elements is LA solution for taking photography, rest of the idea that each tool expresses the best in the work for which it was created.

10 reasons why Pocket 4k is better than 6k


Hot topic of the moment is the Blackmagic Design Pocket6k, for which it seems that a general love of the filmakers has started and an indispensable need to sell what you already have to move to pocket6k.

It is a common phenomenon that the new product is better than what we have because the period said by psychologists “honeymoon” is over and we see the instrument that we possess as useless or outdated. Basically I would have made a more balanced disanimation between the two cameras, but since they go more the xxx versus yyy, I split it all into two articles 😀

The pocket6k differs for a few things from the 4k version, for the management and support of new resolutions and a s35 format sensor, such as the UMP flagships, but otherwise there are no differences in dynamic range or performance really advantageous on pocket4k .

Now let’s do a practical reasoning on this “old camera” and see 10 reasons why it’s worth buying instead of pocket6k.

1) Economic factor

The pocket4k is available for about 1500 euros to the public, while the pocket6k costs 2500 euros to the public, so for the price of a room you almost take two pocket4k.

2) Storage

Using higher resolution, even with the braw or lighter prores formats the storage demands increase, the speed of the cards and disks to record this information will have to be greater, so you will have to make an additional investment both storage and recording, which not everyone is willing to do and little would make sense to take a 6k and record in 12:1 or in proresProxy (while in h264/h265… ) .

3) Shooting resolution

The pocket 4k has the 4k (of course) DCI, UHD and the FHD with a 16:9 sensor that allows you to record in raw these resolutions, 4kDCI is the full sensor, UHD and FHD are recorded in sensor crop as on Arri, Red, Sony and all other chambers; in Prores all these resolutions without “windowed sensor” or without an additional crop.

The pocket 6k having a larger sensor in both size and resolution, in raw does NOT have the 4k or UHD not even “windowed”, but uses a 5.7k or 3.7K anamorphic windowed format to generate a format close to 4k or UHD. So for those who want to work in native 4k or UHD must take into account that with the pocket6k must scale or up or down the data, which will be very rich as information, but it is an extra stress to which they will submit their NLE.

4) We must have better lenses

There are three reasons why the pocket4k is ahead of the lenses on the 6k, which is the same reason why the 4/3 is ahead of the aps-c and the ff.
When using a lens, designed for a larger format, the maximum visual quality is in the middle, while as you go outside you have a very slight loss, depending on the quality and level of the lens, so using an original or vintage FF lens, a 4/3 cropping more format takes the best of the lens, a s35 with a smaller crop takes more sides and any defects, a FF sensor expects to have a perfect lens, otherwise it makes no sense to have invested in an FF sensor.

The second reason is that with the upper resolution also the connected lenses will have to be better, because otherwise it would not make sense to use a 6k sensor if you then put bottle bottoms in front of the sensor.
Having a Canon EF attack you have access to a good number of Canon, Sigma, Zeiss lenses that will offer excellent performances with such a camera.

The third advantage of Pocket4k is that the mount m4/3 has a short draw and allows the adaptation of almost any type of mechanical lens, vintage, allowing access to thousands of beautiful glasses of the last 100 years also of excellent quality, simply discarded because not autofocus.

5) Larger batteries

A larger, higher-resolution sensor camera also requires more work power, so you have to reason either with the battery pack or with capacious external batteries in order to have a good autonomy. From the first indications it seems that if the Pocket4k absorbs 22w/h the pocket 6k should absorb about 26w/h so the durations should be similar, but… EF lenses have more greedy power stabilizers than m4/3 lenses, so using this different type of lens could drain our batteries quickly.

6) More balanced sensor resolution ratio size 4k, 6k

The sensor resolution and size ratio is more favorable in the Pocke4k than the Pocket6k, where a slightly larger sensor divides the light it receives for more photoreceptors, so it’s more beneficial in cleaning in low light images.

7) Higher resolution, more detail, more possible problems

apart from the craving for resolution, which is often superior to human visual capacity, but that is another discourse already addressed, a greater solver of the 6k sensor without a high-frequency filter, offers the risk of more problems of moires and defects high-frequency sampling on many elements, while the 4k sensor being (in comparison) less resolute has less risk of moires.

8) The camera is new, let’s do the beta testers

As with each camera in each brand, the first wave of cameras is a paid beta, meaning you will test the general public how the room works, and if there are any problems or defects will be corrected in the run during production, while the pocket4k that is shipped from one year now has a verified and coordinated production line.

9) On Pocket4k you can have speedboosters, on the 6k ni

An engineering and technological miracle are the speedboosters of Metabone, an American company that creates lens adapters that contain a lens that concentrates light and offers two advantages : gain a diaphragm stop and crop reduction between FF and aps-c and 4/3,m4/3 formats.

Speedboosters have since been imitated by others, but the optical quality worth having a speedbooster to date has not yet been matched.

Speedboosters can only exist in the case of sensor lens pulls that give way to such a lens, which technically the EF mount does not do.

It seems that the company Lucadapter, which produces a variant to be inserted within the UMP, is thinking of producing the same thing for pocket6k, but for now it is still in the kickstarting phase, while for pocket4k there are both generics and the one dedicated for a long time.

10) Most powerful computers

To handle both the prores and the braw 6k you will need to raise the bar of the power of computers, the speed of the raids to read the data and therefore not enough the simple room, but the investments expand in all the equipment.

Of course my list is related to a purely general discourse, each then has different points of view, personally most of these points do not touch me, used to turn in uncompressed dng or other very expensive raw formats, I used the first Alexa with the firmware 0.85 that recorded fullHd prores, without audio, and I had so many varied experiences for which … I think these two machines are miracles given to the masses.

I’m waiting for you in the next article “Why pocket6k is better than Pocket4k”, so we reverse the situations…


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