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Covid19 – 6 – All Webcam

Even if many people think that it is all over, they pretend not to hear the numbers that, although lowered, are still higher, especially in many countries.
Even if they have transformed the masks into fashion, using them badly, or not using them, we will have to live together with virus for more long time and “virtual presence” is an increasingly important factor in all communication jobs.
The webcams in general are “rubbish” even by spending a lots of money, with a thousand problems, low-level lenses, etc.

I have already done an article on how to transform your Iphone or your Android into a web cam, but today we raise the quality needle.

In the last two months the various camera manufacturers have released “miraculous” firmware that allow everyone to use them as a webcam, with obvious improvements in quality, performance and above all control over all the working parameters.

Canon released this software for EOS-1D X Mark II, EOS-1D X Mark III, EOS 5D Mark IV, EOS 5DS, EOS 5DS R, EOS 6D Mark II, EOS 7D Mark II, EOS 77D, EOS 80D, EOS 90D, EOS Rebel SL2, EOS Rebel SL3, EOS Rebel T6, EOS Rebel T6i, EOS Rebel T7, EOS Rebel T7i, EOS Rebel T100, EOS M6 Mark II, EOS M50, EOS M200, EOS R, EOS RP, G5X Mark II, G7X Mark III,  SX70 HS

Nikon released this tutorial on their web in order to use the cameras as a webcam

FujiFilm has released software per le X-H1, X-Pro2, X-Pro3, X-T2, X-T3, X-T4, GFX100, GFX 50S, GFX 50R

GoproHero 8 has released software

Sony has not yet released such a thing, but with additional software it is possible, I put here a link to a tutorial

For Windows and Mac it is possible to use these cameras as a Webcam, the great innovations of computer science come from necessity … maybe ..

Or maybe I remember that my first Webcam was a fuji, in the early 2000s.

A FujiFilm bridge almost 20 years ago already allowed to use it as a webcam … vabbeh come on

I’m the only one who remembers it in 2020 😛


The difficulty in seeing beyond what we think we see

Those who work in a certain way have to deal today with a running world where the phone does everything from photography to video, post-produces it, applies filters and uploads it to youtube. This is all fine if you stay in the mobile realm and see from the same the finished footage, whereas if not, many complications may arise.

I am a proponent of the convenience of using any means possible to accomplish our purpose, but it is important to know the medium well, its limitations and how to handle them. Modern cell phone cameras (from 5-6 years ago) can capture video with very good quality, it is just a matter of not neutering their capabilities, the same thing happens with many cheap cameras.

Myth 1: but I am seeing it well here on the cell phone
Most tablets and cell phones rework images such as contrast and color to make them “prettier,” often saturating colors according to brands more red and blue, more orange and green, etc.
Some cell phones like my Z5 also apply some kind of realtime motion re-processing like some telvisors, so seeing a video on the cell phone means nothing about its quality

Myth 2: On the camera monitor you can see it well.
There is no camera that has a monitor that is adequate as a number of dots to the footage being captured, the footage is scaled and softened by the scaling, so you can’t really see the image for what it is at all, but only for what its translation is, plus most cameras you can change the color temperature, contrast, brightness of the monitor and so what we see is only distant relative to the original footage

Myth 3: It looks good on the monitor, it’s recorded well
except that if we are reviewing footage, most cameras show the through signal, not the recorded signal, so if there are recording or compression flaws we cannot see them until we review the material. There used to be professional cameras that allowed viewing with “deferred” so what you saw was actually the recorded, but today we see the through signal so the risk of not seeing defects or not realizing how poor the image is is very high. Also consider that even a cell phone has a more than decent sensor, but from there to what is recorded there is a gulf, for example my sony Z5 has a very good sensor, but it records very bad compressed jpgs, and in videos it applies (we don’t know why) a contrast mask on the fullHD footage that massacres monstrously the softness of the images and the real detail, you have to use external apps to record the real quality of that sensor otherwise you might get the impression that the images are low level.

Myth 4: why do you have to take up so much space with movies in xyz codec, h264 looks good, actually better h265 so it takes up less space.
very compressed formats like h264 and h265 have so many limitations, the more compressed they are the less detail they record, and the less you can process the movies. If you don’t have to do color correction, if you directly edit the footage without doing anything, maybe you can use a very compressed format, but as soon as you have to do a minimum of post, the inconsistency between frames of compressed formats shows its limitations, if I have to lower the brightness of a sky I will see blocks of colored cubes appear, because the codec expected to see those details, if we try to open the shadows a little we will see many elements moving in the shadows, not as grain, but as blocks changing shape, from green color to magenta, preventing such processing.
The compressed format also has nefarious effects on movement, if we are shooting very detailed images, such as trees with moving foliage, water, a meadow, a girl’s hair in the wind, if we exceed the limits of the capture buffer we can see compression artifacts in the moving elements.

Myth 5: Why do I have to use log, protune, these footage getting ugly and then make it right, better to capture it right now

Log capture is a way to capture better and preserve all the information in the footage, if you have to do postproduction of the footage the log will make the brighter highlights burn less, and there will be more detail in the shadows.

It’s not a matter of capturing badly to see well, it’s capturing as well as possible to extract as much information cleanly from the image that has its limitations. For this reason they are introducing logging even in less expensive cameras, and in some cell phones, for example iPhones from 7 onwards with the Filmic Pro app you can use the log profile to capture better information.

Usually those who complain about this type of capture have never had to deal with postproduction in a serious way and therefore have not seen what the limits of manipulating compressed footage and/or without a capture log curve are.

Myth 6: On my television set, this file looks better
proportional to the first myth, but more extensive, so much so that I devoted an entire article to it…. The amount of processing that a modern TV performs is so extensive that it requires much explanation as to why each TV is different and more or less destructive on images.

Why are Blackmagic cameras ever accused? 

Unfortunately, the web tends to be always provocative, accusatory, and it always seems that the world is full of flaws.

The funniest thing is that people who don’t own a product tend to blame the product itself. It happens with phones between Ios and Android, between photographic brands, and videos.

I wonder why many people often accuse the short lived batteries the Blackmagic Design Cameras, which are unusable cameras, that it’s impossible to work or shoot videos in that way …
just over 40 minutes and if we also attack an external drive just over 30 minutes … what stuff … really unusable …

To have a full HD display always active, a sensor that captures in raw 13 stops of dynamic range and maybe also feeds an external SSD and more …

the ingenious Vizzini would say inconceivable … Er …

All this in a world where all the other cameras shoot for hours with the same battery, right? Or, not? 


  • How long does the battery of an Osmo Mobile? 
    35 minutes (Dji Site Specifications)
  • How long does the battery of the Osmo Action? 
    Up to 34 minutes (Specifications Dji website) .
  • How long does a GoPro without using wifi? battery last? 
    up to 60 minutes (GoPro website specifications)
  • How long is the average battery of a photo camera that makes videos at the highest quality?
    65-80 minutes depending on the use of the camera, autofocus, stabilization etc ( On the official sites you will find only the number of shots and not the duration in video ... they are photo cameras)
  • How long does the gh5 battery last when recording in 4k intraframe? 
    64minutes (75 if you use the patona green, i had it)
  • How long does the Dji Osmo Pocket last?
    up to 140 minutes (According to specific site recording in Fhd), perhaps one of the few machines optimized for consumption, battery size, performance on camera and gimbal. 

It is curious that no one ever asks a question, such as how it is possible.
that the other cameras, not having to feed huge displays like that of the pocket4k / 6k, not having to record such large amounts of data, not having to power an external disk, last as long or less than the pocket itself …


Covid19 – 5 – phone to Webcam

The Covid19 forced the world to accelerate so many procedures, forced the technology reticents to adapt, to learn what by laziness they avoided, unfortunately this created a thousand problems not only for those who were not ready, but also for those who were ready not to be equipped at home to manage connections for school, work etc.

Not everyone has a good webcam, and it’s useful to have it for both smartworking and OnLine lessons, but good webcams (according to specifications) cost hundreds of euros and often the video quality is not as amazing as they are described, while nowadays we all have in our pocket a discreet or great room in our Smartphone.

Going to the Kinoni website you can download the driver to use your smartphone as Webcam, after installing the connected app on your iPhone or on your Android. Without spending a penny you can use the free app to do the tests and if you see that it is the optimal solution you can as less than 10 euros buy the paid app with more control, resolution up to fullHD, use phone audio, etc.

From the site you download the driver Desktop

To test, you can use the free app IOS

To use all the features there is the full IOS 8.99 app

To test, you can use the free app Android

To use all the features there is the full android 5.99


I pay for it, it’s definitely more reliable

This post comes from the fact that I do not know what to do while I am observing a semi-infinite list of files to convert, in an openSource program because the commercial programs that I pay almost 1000 euros per year subscription for the umpteenth time have resubmitted the bug of the VBR…

In short, when compressing video files with technologies derived from the logic of the gop, group of picture, you can define a tot of data per second, constants (so value / n frames per second) or variable value according to the content (Variable Bit Rate), now all recording systems use this second option because it optimizes quality, space occupied, device management in general.

for some years (from 2015 in particular) a well-known suite has a recurring bug that randomly disappears and reappears, so if we take a VBR file, we put it on a timeline, or we do convert it in a batch format the resulting file will have the audio that will go out sinc in a completely random way, because it seems that there is some problem to keep the synchronous audio video between frames and images. Even if you export only the audio and reimport the resulting wave, it will no longer be synchronous with the original files.

The embarrassing fact is that instead a whole series of free/opesource products do not have this problem. And the only solution suggested by the same company is to convert to a DI format or even the same compressed format and then edit it…

When I was paying for the perpetual license, the encoding and decoding codecs were licensed by the German MainConcept and these kinds of problems did not exist, today they update every 6 weeks the software, every three times there are notable bugs like this.

Solution 1 : Use software that uses its codecs to convert to a Di format that does not generate the defect

Solution 2: Leave the suite and move to more stable products

Solution 3: Sue that company for a series of work-related damage [ah dimenticavo, non lo può fare nessuno, perchè durante l’installazione se si leggessero le righe piccole si saprebbe che il software viene fornito as is, e l’azienda non è responsabile di malfunzionamenti, danni derivati da problemi del software etc etc]

If you can, follow route number 2, otherwise look for one of the many ffmpeg interfaces and solve with it the problem of conversion.


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