All is possible

Category: Techinque Page 5 of 18

The habit of error

An amusing fact that happened today reminded me of an incident that happened a decade ago: in the car with a person, as a newly licensed driver I notice that he did not proceed in the correct manner, the person in question points out to me that I am newly licensed while he has been driving for over twenty years....

The mistake repeated for twenty years gives him the arrogance to claim that he is the one who is in the right.... And I'm talking about a triviality like giving right of way on zebras....

In another situation, discussing with a certified xx technician, multi qualified yy in xx categories he states that it is impossible for a certain Windows problem to exist, because he in his 6 year career has never seen it [an error that Microsoft instead acknowledged and fixed for me].

Very often those who are familiar with a topic can make the mistake of not questioning the correctness of the knowledge.
Personal experience is important, but no one has lived through everyone's life.

I know many artists in many fields, who while making mistakes achieve miraculous results, and since they have been doing it for over 30 years they are convinced that it is the best method (I do not use the correct term because there could be many nuances), not questioning the fact that they could take less time, less effort, or have more flexibility...

after all, of Leonardo da Vinci only one was born....

How many times in our lives, and I question myself first, has security in our own knowledge, in our own experience, led us to Absolutism?

I for one made this mistake often, then I passed the age of 25 and realized that the world is an infinity in the making, and it is not possible to have the certainties of anything, in any area or situation.

If we think about medicine, from one decade to the next, certain treatments were abolished, because they brought more harm than benefit; think about construction, we used carcinogenic products such as asbestos for decades; think about physics, where you thought you had discovered the smallest element, but thanks to different methods, more sophisticated instruments, or new technologies every few years you discover a smaller element inside.

If we think about the image, until a couple of years ago or so we thought that a bad image could just be thrown away, whereas today thanks to the magic of AI we can refocus blurry images, zoom in by regenerating the details of very small images, intelligently interpolate frames to make ralenties smoother, restore damaged images thanks to neural networks that intelligently and consistently regenerate details, and so on...

I conclude by quoting from the message of a dear friend, who asking me the technically correct for exposure, I had to disappoint him by not knowing how to give him a unique answer, because the tools are only references ...

The classic 18% gray card is used to have an exposure reference, an average value to expose the generic human skin, but already going from north to south Italy the skin can be lighter or darker.

Depending on the sensors, the dynamic range, and how it is distributed in the different ISOs, it is convenient to expose one way or the other, to experience the DoP on the camera (as once upon a time exposure tests were done on batches of film taken for film shooting).

Dogmas exist only in religion, in all other areas everything changes, there may be more than we know, more than we can know, or there will be more, which is why constant growth and change is important.

I myself in this blog, as I have learned, as I have discovered my mistakes I have aligned and corrected articles to avoid the propagation of incorrect information.

Mattebox serve?

I have noticed that the authoritative Redshark site, of which I am a regular reader, often features topics I discussed in posts two or three years earlier; I find it flattering to have anticipated them by so much time.

Today I am going to do the opposite, which is to use the cue from one of their articles to answer a frequently encountered question: do you really need the Matte box?

What is it and what is a Mattebox for?

The good gives a list of reasons to which I refer and add my own thoughts.

  1. Look cooler
  2. Protect lenses from side light and avoid unwanted flare
  3. Mount filters.

and I would add

  1. Disciplining the operator in how to prepare the room
  2. Study the light before pressing rec
Look cooler (when size matters).

Potato Jet shows in this video how it is not the rig that makes the kinematic image
ps. follow the link, he is an interesting youtuber

For some (psychological) reason there are elements that create mental associations in people's minds, the Mattebox is one of those elements, Mattebox equals cinema, professionalism.
So any camera with the Mattebox becomes professional in the eye of the less experienced, or the customer.
In many areas the digital revolution has been a disadvantage, because customers accustomed to associating camera size with the professionalism of the operator (larger size = economic investment = shooting quality) find themselves disgruntled at seeing increasingly compact machines.

One well-known brand in the mid-2000s had a series of cameras dedicated to wedding videographers and those making corporate and industrial films, i.e., the exact same electronics, optics, controls and sensors as the more compact, but professional cameras in a more engine broadcast "outfit" for those who needed to show clients the size of their "professionalism."

By the mid-2010s the trend had reversed, you could show up with good cameras, film cameras, but if you didn't have the trendy VDSLR ... it looked like you had a toy on your hands ... the world is about appearance, not substance, in most cases.



People have short memories, out of convenience

Seeing how there are a thousand plus posts on the various technology and filmaking portals, I cannot help but notice how they are full of Fuffa, i.e., technological garbage, products that are toys in function of what they are supposed to do, or worse, innovations that are just the bad copy of existing products that have been forgotten.

The past needs to be maintained and remembered, to understand how today we are in a historical moment of embarrassing stasis...
the ever-increasing power in every field is accompanied by an absolute waste of resources: today there are octacore phones, which could potentially decode 4k raw files in realtime, that struggle to do normal operations because of operating systems that are increasingly flooded, heavy and not rewritten from the ground up every time.
A trivial example? The Silicon Graphics running Softmage3D on which the effects of Jurassik Park (a milestone film in CGI history) were made in 1991 were single-core computers, where the fastest had a 32bit processor at 250mhz, (in 1992 SGI was launching 64bit processors... we've been at a standstill ever since) and could mount a maximum of 256 Mega of ram, with a 7 gig mechanical-state disk... that is, not even the features of a subpar smartphone by today's standards.

However since we are here to make two thoughts, let's see for news in the kickstarters...

1) easier backup with ... Gnarbox a box for backing up photo and video cards, an innovative product? in short ...

a copy of a product I bought in 1996 called Photobox, a simple box with a 2.5 harddisk, a battery, inputs for a number of different types of cards, a mini display, and buttons to make backups of card contents, sequentially. Of course it had a 40-gig disk, but the biggest cards were 2gigs, and it would hold a boatload of photos and videos, because we're talking about an era when 3-4 megapixels was the average file size, and very few cameras had raw, only SLRs.

I remember the 2004 Epson model that even had the 640x400 monitor to see the backup content. It is funny to note that if you launched the backup on this type of product he would make a complete copy of the card, this modern one on the other hand he chooses the type of files to make backups of, so if have avchd files you will find the databases disassembled, if you use other types of files with different nominations than those chosen by the creators of gnarbox you will not have backups... however this one has wifi and the mobile app... but not the parity check system in copying files, translated with this one you have to check that it has backed up, the Epson one on the other hand has always had it...
it seems like an innovative product, but ... other manufacturers have been continuing to do them for years, and they are more secure, for example but few remember or bother to search the net if something already exists.

2) faster to change lenses, keeping them side by side with triLenses
In a world where you are forced to move faster and faster giving the illusion that it is better--for others not for you--this product is proposed for those who do not want to open and close their backpack or photo bag but have three lenses on hand.

the idea might be good, but the two questions that arise for me are :
- a protection for the lenses that so are exposed to every element Dust, rain etc while out and about? not all lenses are tropicalized
- a protection from shock or a drop? if we drop the object we do damage to three lenses at once....
- what prevents trash of all kinds from accumulating on the vents and getting into the lenses?
- this object applies to fixed lenses without a stabilizer, because zooms and stabilized lenses with the movement of the hip (most mobile part of the body) experience stresses that can damage the zoom range or the stabilizer mechanism.
Let's say it is the classic design object, cool to look at but in practical use it has a thousand and one flaws.
You also double the number of stresses on the lens springs, which does not happen by holding them with the classic cap, so you age the locking mechanisms more quickly.
If you want to have more focal lengths at your fingertips, instead of getting these toys you invest in a single high-end zoom lens, for the sum of the three lenses, a fast lens, and you avoid all the downsides; the idea of putting my prime lenses on my hip, exposed to any insult from the people around me, who don't look and already bump into you because they are busy seeing their Facebook status, risking dropping you, and in the process hitting lenses worth a thousand euros each if it goes well... no thanks...

technology chasing each other, products disappearing and reappearing, useless kickstarters, etc etc useless remakes

how the world, even the network that theoretically does not forget, is made to make people forget and thus make things worse

My friend Ambrogio of Espero, a company for which I often teach courses in Filmaking, Video Editing and Postproduction, 3D with Cinema4D and Zbrush, says that I am the "historical memory of the industry" because I remember what they were like and what products there were in these fields, having followed their evolutions over the last 30 years,which allows me to work more comfortably, and make suggestions and pass on experiences lost during my courses.

How to calculate battery charging time

I have written many articles on different products, and batteries are a topic that comes back often.

There are questions that are often the subject of myths and legends, and charging is a hotly debated topic.

A battery is an object capable of accumulating a difference in potential through the chemistry. When charging a battery you work on these elements, so charging must be done correctly to avoid fires, flames, explosions, etc. etc.

Extremely fast charging should be avoided, because it is "said to ruin" batteries when much more heat is generated which alters the chemical elements.
The charging phase is the moment in which the potential difference is restored with the delivery of an x value of Ampere.
The higher the amperage and the faster the battery is recharged (within a certain limit otherwise it will be damaged), this process generates a more or less contained overheating and / or an alteration of the chemical components which must be avoided.
Calculating the recharge time of a battery is very empirical and imprecise, both because most chargers do not deliver a constant current, but as the battery is close to the maximum charge they progressively reduce the current supplied, and because the cells according to of their life, wear and structure can accumulate the current in a non-regular way.

The theory is:
max battery charge (ampere) / battery charger charge (ampere)
= charging hours

Example: 6600mA battery / charger from 600 mA = 11 hours approximately
So if we talk about large batteries we can understand why a battery takes so long to be charged.

Therefore depending on the battery charger, there will be different times and recharges, also many chargers recharge at different times depending on the number of batteries that are connected.

I use a Patona charger, which according to the applied power and the number of batteries applied, the charging times are different.

Different charging values are available depending on the USB charger connected :
In 9v 2A
out 1500mA for one batt / 1000mA for two batts

In 5v2.4A
out 1000mA for one batt / 700mA for two batts

so we have charging times of approx
4.4 h / 6.6 h - 6.6 h / 9.4 h

Obviously we are talking about a theoretical calculation, assuming that you have a completely discharged battery, constant charging, recent and "young" cells.

The discussion is not born to have precise data, but rather to have a practical work reference.

If we use a battery to power a spotlight for 2-3 hours and it takes ten to recharge this battery, in order to work continuously we will need more battery kits for each headlight..


12k ? more tech innovation behind

On July 16, 2020 Grant Petty, CEO and founder of Bmd presents a new camera that will revolutionize many paradigms, from here to the next few years.

Faced with a market saturated with products that is looking to 8k, the result of three years of development was presented: the Ursa Mini Pro 12k.

Immediately the fights between fanboys and haters of various factions started, from those who complain about the price (a price of a products that was presented by Petty as a product designed for the Hi-end market) to the fact that 12k doesn't needs, etc etc.

In all this fuss the real revolutions have been lost, developments that start from high-end, but which for sure will open new developments even to the cheapest rooms.

Blackmagic sensor

The camera has the first custom Blackmagic Design sensor with a structure without bayer matrix, therefore each pixel has three photoreceptors, each for a Green, Blue and Red plus White light.

This factor means that it is capable of:

    1. Sensor without matrix of Bayer = Bye bye Red Patent on the compressed raw
    2. Capture scaling WITHOUT crop, so the 12k sensor is able to generate a lower resolution braw file without pixel binning, but with the quality and aliasing of the original sensor.
      So the camera also records 4k and many other combinations of resolution.
    3. Resolution from 12k 60fps up to 220 fps in 4k raw (those looking for them had to go to Phantom, now they have an alternative).
    4. On such a high resolution even the highest ISO shots will be usable because the most obvious defects will disappear in downscaling.
Braw 2.0 and color science 5
    1. Newer Color Science 5 which improves the images which is backwards compatibility with the previous cameras with the Braw.
      It is possible to apply this Color Science 5 to other cameras, to shooting already made (beta of Resolve and the new Braw 2.0 already available).
    2. Braw 2.0 provides split recording on multiple media to overcome the recording limits of current media.
    3. Braw 2.0 adds new compression flavors such as 18: 1, Q1 and Q3, to optimize even more space and quality
    4. Braw 2.0 is so optimized that it allows the 12k stream even on very modest machines, and today the Braw is also available for non-Blackmagic Design machines such as C300 mkII, Eva1, Sigma FP.
    5. In the new Color science 5 the cameras have an equal log curve for each ISO, this means that it will be easier to create look LUTs that work more easily through different shots.

      Obviously this machine was born for the cinema and not for the independent, also because it is sold with PL attachment (cinema optics connection) and only on request is the attachment for EF.

      I would be curious to find and check in the specifications of the EF lenses which has the appropriate resolution for this resolution.
      The cost of the camera is not a problem considering that the ecosystem of lenses to rent will cost when the camera body.

      What I want to focus on is the iceberg behind the announcement where the developed technologies will bring blackmagic Design far ahead in the next few years.


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