With the beginning of the new year there are always many resolutions, those who want to lose weight in response to the revelry done at Christmas and New Year, those who want to get in shape, those who want to renew clothes and … of course those involved in creation find an excuse to buy something new 😛
A good excuse to throw the old out the window and move on to the new….
or maybe not…maybe it would be time to learn to understand what we have on our hands and not follow the consumerist fads of this society that is filling the world more and more with junk of all kinds.

I realized while reading on a forum that people are becoming more and more superficial even when they cannot afford it, and they decide to change tools, equipment, etc. just because they have been told it is not adequate, when maybe it has higher poteziality and features than the one they covet, but just because it does not have the right color or shape…
In the post a person would have paid $1500 for a phone that did a number of things, that a 7-8 year old cam already did, better and with extra features, but they don’t consider it, because it is not a phone.
In another post I was reading about a person who did not understand why the photographic optics did not hold focus while zooming, complaining that it was a foregone conclusion that it should be, and to the suggestion that he could buy a camera that has parfocal zoom (not that he knew what it was, but that was what he was cecing), the response was that everyone makes videos with cameras (mirrorless he called them not knowing that there are other types as well), that cameras have not existed for many years, and other amenities that I will spare you…. considering that the person in question has never taken a picture, because “in his own words, pictures are now taken with the phone,” there was no reason to use a mirrorless, but he saw that youtubers, tiktokers do this, say that…
i always remain puzzled how people buy without doing serious research, but rely on theoretical gurus, because it’s easier, and then discovering that they are not the right products for what they need, roar endlessly on all social and forums that product x sucks, that it doesn’t have the features they need…
At the same time, I remain convinced that people don’t know how to learn how to use what they have, from the simple phone to more sophisticated rooms, because of the laziness of not reading manuals even if they are short… i know people who didn’t read the manual of the first blackmagic, 26 pages with pictures, and then didn’t know how to navigate with 6 camera buttons and the three pages of camera menus… let alone pick up a more modern camera where the menus are at least a hundred with as many variations of functions…
let’s learn to use what we have, understand its strengths and weaknesses, make a list of what can be done with what we have, and use them!
some time ago this method led a young texmex to break the rules in Hollywood, you can read his words in a book where he expounds on his first experience with an independent film shot with a lamp, a borrowed camera, the film to shoot scenes once, lots of friends and a lot of desire to do