All is possible

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We should use what we have

With the beginning of the new year there are always many resolutions, those who want to lose weight in response to the revelry done at Christmas and New Year, those who want to get in shape, those who want to renew clothes and … of course those involved in creation find an excuse to buy something new 😛

A good excuse to throw the old out the window and move on to the new….

or maybe not…maybe it would be time to learn to understand what we have on our hands and not follow the consumerist fads of this society that is filling the world more and more with junk of all kinds.

I realized while reading on a forum that people are becoming more and more superficial even when they cannot afford it, and they decide to change tools, equipment, etc. just because they have been told it is not adequate, when maybe it has higher poteziality and features than the one they covet, but just because it does not have the right color or shape…

In the post a person would have paid $1500 for a phone that did a number of things, that a 7-8 year old cam already did, better and with extra features, but they don’t consider it, because it is not a phone.

In another post I was reading about a person who did not understand why the photographic optics did not hold focus while zooming, complaining that it was a foregone conclusion that it should be, and to the suggestion that he could buy a camera that has parfocal zoom (not that he knew what it was, but that was what he was cecing), the response was that everyone makes videos with cameras (mirrorless he called them not knowing that there are other types as well), that cameras have not existed for many years, and other amenities that I will spare you…. considering that the person in question has never taken a picture, because “in his own words, pictures are now taken with the phone,” there was no reason to use a mirrorless, but he saw that youtubers, tiktokers do this, say that…

i always remain puzzled how people buy without doing serious research, but rely on theoretical gurus, because it’s easier, and then discovering that they are not the right products for what they need, roar endlessly on all social and forums that product x sucks, that it doesn’t have the features they need…

At the same time, I remain convinced that people don’t know how to learn how to use what they have, from the simple phone to more sophisticated rooms, because of the laziness of not reading manuals even if they are short… i know people who didn’t read the manual of the first blackmagic, 26 pages with pictures, and then didn’t know how to navigate with 6 camera buttons and the three pages of camera menus… let alone pick up a more modern camera where the menus are at least a hundred with as many variations of functions…

let’s learn to use what we have, understand its strengths and weaknesses, make a list of what can be done with what we have, and use them!

some time ago this method led a young texmex to break the rules in Hollywood, you can read his words in a book where he expounds on his first experience with an independent film shot with a lamp, a borrowed camera, the film to shoot scenes once, lots of friends and a lot of desire to do

a rebel without a crew, by Rober Rodriguez…

the Fan issue… something

Occasionally I am asked why I speak well of a particular brand and have abandoned the xxx brand. I am asked why I am enthusiastic about brand YYY and no longer about brand ZZZ.

There is a time in life when you can be a fanboy, that is, be an enthusiastic supporter of a brand, of a product, and it is usually when you are very young.
I was a supporter and advocate of a 3D software in italy when almost no one knew about it, I created the mailing list (times long gone when forums and social were inconceivable), an almost daily blog with news, links and utilities when the concept of blog didn’t really exist, and I manually writing in html created what today is commonly called Blog, but 30 years ago almost no one had such a concept.

As with software, I have made a thousand changes even with cameras, cameras, cameras, operating systems (I have used more than thirty of which many are unknown to the masses), because I am a curious person and because I like to change and experiment, I get bored easily and I need in addition to work, to stimulate my curiosity by always experimenting with something new to tell stories.

Contrary to many people, who need the conventions, to belong to a people, to a group, to have their certainties, their way of working always the same, I like change, the stimulus not to get fossilized in habits and working methods.

So if I change brands, if I change products, it is out of boredom, or upgrades of some kind, no one has ever paid me to say that XXX is better than YYY; when I have worked for one or the other brand I have always stated it and in any case I have maintained an ethic of being honest and saying pros and cons of a product, because if I describe the weaknesses, you will believe me when I describe the strengths, otherwise it will be thought that I am one of the many smoke sellers who only show the healthy side of the apple and hide behind the rotten side.

Too often I have been told that by switching from x to y I was betraying a brand … considering that no brand has ever asked me for exclusivity, and even if it were I would not accept, the only betrayal one can do in life is to betray people’s trust, not an unconditional faith in objects, because in the end brands are still objects, nothing more than objects.

You will often find posts that start from the negative side of a product and then get to the benefits, because that way no one can accuse me of selective blindness, but above all, no stress from fanboys, no stress from fanservice articles, and more…

The perfect product does not exist, because if we talk about photo and video, one brand has the best autofocus system, the other has the best sensor lens stabilization system, the other the versatility of files, the other the sensor with more dynamics, the other better ergonomics of the camera body, the other with better working menus, another will have the best ecosystem to make the machines work with each other, the other the color science easier to manage for cinema, the other for TV, there will be the brand/sensor designed for low light, the one to work better with extreme situations of light and contrast and so on

In software you will have the one that is most popular, the one that is most powerful, the one with the best thought out interface (mmm no I can’t say that about any software today in 2023, we are a quarter century behind on desktop interfaces), the one that sucks as a workflow but has so many plugins that it makes up for the fact that the code base is 90’s, the one that is so widely used that you can find videos on youtube for every single operation, the one that costs less, the one that has better compatibility between different Os and plugins and so on…
THE PERFECT PRODUCT DOES NOT EXIST, if you think so, either you are a fanboy/girl or you are trying to sell it to me and you have the wrong nut to try it with, since in certain areas I have used and bought so much software that some people don’t even know it exists 😛

Let us conclude with the fundamental concept, as I asked one day a former student, and person I can call today a dear friend, Antonio Papa, when talking about a well-known software, and alternatives, I asked him :
Do you want to be a “software name” editor or operator?

Ask yourself this question, are you a Content Creator, trade xxx or user of a particular software/hardware?
There is nothing wrong with answering one way or the other, simply ask yourself what you want to do with your life and follow your own path.
If you then want to be faithful to something … choose one person, whether it is a or a partner, or simply a or a friend, it is the healthiest choice both physically and mentally that we can make today ;-D

12 ways to be sure to have problems with Braw

For several years now I have noticed that there is more interest in negative articles, probably because they work like reverse psychology, or maybe because there is a form of masochism inherent in the net in looking for the negative instead of the positive, buth…

Many times I have seen and heard about the problem of braw files, especially nowadays with larger files and too much thinking … fluid in handling media and their characteristics, which is then an excuse for not following the rules 😯 .

What can give problems with Braw files?
  1. Recording on the wrong medium, not certified
    (certification is not a simple speed test, but means that bmd or some other tests under many different conditions the reliability of the media from the first to the last byte, too many elements can break your speed chain and ruin a recovery)
  2. Recording on fragmented media
    (delete and write files from computer or other)
  3. Recording on media not formatted by the camera
    (not many people know or do not check how many hidden files are written by certain brands, because they obviously optimize their cameras)
  4. Recording on media with the wrong cable
    (not all cables are the same)
  5. Recording on external media with insufficient battery
    (this is a less considered problem, but it is the cause of 90% of corrupted files on external disk, many external battery plates have a dual 7.4v -12v power supply, be sure to connect them to the right 12v pin).
  6. Recording to a media that is not properly attached to the camera when shooting on the go
    (usb c is the weakest connector in the world, a little movement can cause a pin to disconnect, enough to ruin the shot)
  7. Turn off the camera without waiting for it to stop working on the stand
    (many people turn off the camera in play mode. they go back to recording mode and turn it off)
  8. Record at a higher bitrate/quality than the media without warning about missing frames.
  9. Open media from Windows and allow chkdsk to do its job to destroy data (more common than you think, never leave external media connected to Windows during reboot, chkdsk originated for very small files, ages ago, today when it acts on large files it causes 99% only damage)
  10. Lowering power during recording
    (disconnected or ignored battery at end of life, remember that when the battery dies, the camera starts to reduce power to the external device and then shuts down, this causes corruption of Cfast or Usb disk which closes braw files)
  11. Support firmware upgrade
    (sometimes the frantic mania to update everything forgets that the whole chain is based on the old state of the chain and updating something is never a good thing).
  12. Copying files without control, today we have a free tool in Resolve to clone the contents of our files to another hard drive, if you don’t like Resolve there is a great free tool called QuineCopy
    Very often file problems are related to copies not being made properly.

And to that I’ll add one, but being superstitious I won’t call it 13

12.5 Using the ExFat filesystem on very large files.
Where it is possible, Blackmagic allows you to do so, instead of the ExFat filesystem we use the HFS , born in Apple and the counterpart of the more robust NTFS from Micorsoft. If you use Windows there is a driver costing 12 euros to read and write it as if it were native (Paragon HFS for WIndows), it will be the best money spent of your life.
The reason is very simple, ExFat was born for WindowsCE in 2006, with the limitation of a few GB maximum size (it was for pocket products), and then modified later to be able to format and handle larger media and archives, but…. unfortunately writing very large files this filesystem is much more susceptible to errors, problems in data recovery in case of damage to the disk structure etc etc etc.
So if you have a chance, avoid that FileSystem, we use NTFS under Windows and HFS and later under Mac.

In case of corruption problems, but the data is there, a method to recover the data is shown in this video :

or you can contact Aeroquartet

My experience with BMCC, BMPC4K, Ursa Mini Pro G1, p4k, 2x p6k G1 gave, following the rules, almost zero problems with corrupted files while working 😀

Blackmagic Cinema Camera 6k FF

Since the first Cinema Camera from Blackmagic I have always left a comment on them, I have owned several, I own several, and I find them to be very interesting products for different reasons, often not the mainstream ones that everyone gets excited about.

Everyone screaming about the miracle because it’s a fullframe, larger sensor than the classic cinema super 35, as if it were the panacea for all ills, or the secret sausage for the cinema effect (which remember the classic cinema format is smaller…).

The specifications have all been bandied about, and if you are interested, just go to the dedicated page here.

Let’s analyze what I think is most interesting about this camera and why :

Open Gate 3:2 : finally the possibility to shoot in a format not pushed in width, a concept that comes from early cinema, which many modern filmmakers (from Sam Raimi to Wes Andreson) have exploited in Arri cameras to create formats with particular proportions and then use them as a narrative method.

Option that introduces Multi Aspect ratio that allows traditional, Anamorphic, and many combinations of formats and frame rates to solve all kinds of shooting needs.

New Dual ISO Sensor at 13.5 stops of DR in the first gain stage : many people talk about dynamic range, but they don’t know that most cameras have the maximum dynamic range ONLY at native Iso, moving around they don’t offer the same dynamic range, while here we find the same range spread over the different ISOs.

H264 proxies created in parallel with the Braw files, to simplify both previewing and editing as well as using the Blackmagic Cloud where you can upload materials and start working before you have even received the derived raw.

CfExpress for high-speed recording.
There has been a lot of controversy in the past regarding SD cards (fast ones cost a kidney) and Cfasts that have never come down in price, while CfExpress in addition to being adopted by several brands, already seem to be cheaper than the equivalent Cfast2 or SD v90s (of course we are comparing similar products in performance, not the mobile microsd that would not even be able to record raw frames).

Display 5-inch HDR 1500 nits articulated inherited from the pro, to make it easier to use the camera in bright sunlight and not have to add additional monitors. Then if you prefer, there is always the Blackmagic Viewfinder already in use for pocketG2 and 6kPro.

Last but not least L mount, to be able to mount high-end optics, or with simple adapters the classic EF lenses to others, the L mount having a very short 20mm flange.
The real difference in using L mount is that in addition to having a product with a more modern mount, it is part of a consortium that has completely spread the data to support in the correct and best way the management of the lenses, as opposed to the EF mount that is adopted by more brands, but always and only with a Reverse engeneering work of the mount, electronics and communication, which then leads to issues of camera lens management.

Optical Low Pass Filter to reduce any moires effects with fabrics or other elements, e.g., ledwalls, which are increasingly present today as backgrounds or set elements. It is also a key element (it seems) in getting that mythical NetFlix certification…for those who care.

I usually ironize about the meanings that come out of the usual incontentativists, who don’t buy anyway, they just stand behind their keyboards and complain…
this time… but also not…

I don’t think I’m going to upgrade anytime soon because many modern optics I own are aps-c (would work equally because in the different modes it also has the crop for aps-c), while the vintage ones are obviously Fullframe.

But if Blackmagic wants to give me one for my project of photographing with a Cinema Camera, to see the alternative effects 😀

Meanwhile on a sunny morning, it allowed me to capture some interesting images, and although I had to halve the size for a purely technical issue (the site would not allow me to upload 6k frames to the gallery) I would say that you can appreciate the quality of the individual frames.

Cable does Matter

It’s just a cable, what do you want it to change?

How many times have I heard that phrase, and I knew they wouldn’t understand the answer? So.
Short, concise, pragmatic answer….

Below you see the difference of the same Cfast2, same player, same USB port, two different Usb C cables: one expensive quality one, one cheap but often twice as thick and with lots of big words and highfalutin specifications in the description…

Guess which of the two usb-C 3.1 cables offers results from usb 2.0velocità confrontateToday unfortunately since usb-C cables have become standard for charging ccell phones and other devices, they have filled us with perhaps decent cabling for charging, or fast charging, but as data cabling they are quite poor, so the thickness we see probably comes from a cable for charging more, so as not to make resistance, because there is no time to wait to charge one’s smartphone, but when we use it to copy data it’s definitely the fault of the device, not the cable… so much fast charging, we know it’s fast of everything…


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