All is possible

Category: Techinque Page 17 of 18

When it's too much…

One of the biggest modern problems is the excess of information… Wrong…

In a world where everyone has to have to have their say, they have to fill pages, blogs, wikipedia articles, and why not, print and online magazines, the biggest difficulty is discerning between correct information and fake information.

If until yesterday the "experts" or as Benni called them, the "technicians", were limited to bore friends at the bar, today the same wretched fill the web with distorted news, assumptions, "intuitions" on every field.

I have always been for free information and sharing of knowledge, but of the real one, not of people who speak well or badly of such a product, just for reported ideas, without having ever taken it in hand, tried or never even turned it on!

If once the web forced to have a minimum of competence to put its ideas online, today with the web 2.0 any ignorant is able to infect millions of people with their ignorance.

Wikipedia is one of the worst concentrations of ignorance in the world, although it is a basic idea, the lack of verification allows any ignorant to spread incorrect information, and the suffix -pedia has given a form of authority to this mass of uncontrolled information…

For several years now many people have replaced the concept (however incorrect) "it is written on books" declined in "was in the newspaper" and more recent "said the TV" with "it is written on wikipedia" for which reality becomes a manic distortion of the first information found (so the network and the speed of the search engine).

Out of laziness, because maybe we're all naive and we don't believe that there are people who are stupid enough to spread unverified or bad news that they spread bad news…

Well considering that according to some of these sources I'm writing to you from the afterlife or from countries I've never been to, isn't it bad, isn't it?

When we look for information on any topic the key to trust is the comparison, the verification of information finding a contrary voice. I know it may surprise you, but since many blogs are filled only to monetize with advertisements, finding the same news in different sources just means that they have made extensive use of copying and pasting.

Finding different points of view on information is a good place to start. A little critical sense helps us understand whether the information is valid or not. But in the end the experience and therefore direct verification is the only keystone that allows us to verify the information.

Browsing the web for over 20 years I realize how day after day search engines do small miracles in finding information in the sea of garbage that fills the web, so it is up to us to use the brain to discern what is gold and what is manure.

Good research

Everyday occasions

It is curious how every day the world offers us opportunities, despite many complaining that the world does not offer us, there are, and many… In a time of crisis it seems increasingly difficult to find work, find space for your ideas, find distribution for your own film…

Today I want to offer everyone who complains a cue:
Amazon studios: they offer 150,000 dollars a month for ideas, scripts, real and concrete projects…

considering how much time is wasted to surf the internet, how many thousands of pages are filled with stupidity, why not try to spend a tenth of the time writing a project and see if it's worth?

In Genoa it is said: the mogul is free, but it is not true…

the mogul, the low-voice complaint typical of Genoa, but that you can find in every region, corrodes, consumes day after day, becomes a habit of complaint without constructiveness, and you end up like the old men portrayed in the caricatures of the cartoons…
We complain for nothing, that is, we spend our time looking for reasons of complaint rather than trying to solve them. After reading the regulations I saw that anyone can participate and then it becomes interesting, who the more applies, the more it is recognized.

There are positions open to creators, to those who want to collaborate with projects already active as collaborators in the script, dialogues, storyboards and so on…

What is the only wealth that you share the more you grow?

These days I'm lucky enough to do a wonderful job, sharing some of the things I know with people who do the same job as me and share the same passions.

I have always deprecated the people who keep for them the knowledge, the supposed secrets of Pulcinella (italian mask), because I have always considered them poor in spirit that will never grow.

Knowledge must be shared, because only by sharing it is it grows, it refines, and from exchange one can grow and create new experiences.

Contrary to what most people believe, when one reveals the working techniques, the principles of operation of machines or software do not lose anything, you do not create competitors, because even if you teach a person how to do your job, you can not transmit your experience, real knowledge, which is formed only by exercise and direct work.

If anyone is convinced that revealing their secrets creates real competitors, maybe… They're not big secrets or the value isn't that great.

The difference is made by people, the ability, the creative flair, the sensitivity that changes the way we go to do a job. If these elements were a trivial sum of parameters and/or instruments, we would not deserve the importance that is given to us.

Always share what you know, you will discover you to learn and enhance your knowledge more than before.

Discipline on the computer

In recent years working on the computer has become more and more complicated, or simply more difficult to concentrate. Any computer user has many ways to distract themselves, from simple email to twitter, facebook, youtube, various instant messenger services, etc etc etc
The work of animator is a complex work, because it takes concentration, focus the elements, the movement, otherwise it becomes long and boring. In addition to becoming a very repetitive and technical work, so then the animations become banal and soulless.

I admit that with the internet the causes of distraction have increased indefinitely and I fell for it too… but always on the internet I found an interesting technique of productivity and concentration., created by an Italian : The technique of tomato.
Ingenious and simple, it helps not only to create more results, but analyze day by day the results obtained and improve productivity, understand where there are problems and what…
The key to the technique is the ability to optimize time, you will find out how you can work fewer hours and make them much more. Try. It's free and it really works.

It takes 5 minutes to learn the technique and you can apply it to any kind of work!

A weight on his shoulders, a center of gravity at the bottom…

Every day gravity works with us, or against us depending on our weight 😉

Those who do heavy work have learned to reduce fatigue, but above all distribute it on the body. If you look at masons or labourers in general you might be surprised how as you get older they often carry higher weights more loosely than young people, but in a different way.

The experience of life leads man to shift the weight from different points of the body, to reduce fatigue, and better maintain balance.

When animating a character you have to look closely at the type of character and where the center of gravity is and how much it weighs. Depending on the character, the center of gravity moves down or up, and the weight defines the balance. So the character will move differently.

If a character has a tail, it shifts weight and balance. If the character has a posterior abdomen (insects), the center of gravity will be moved again.

What does it mean to think about the center of gravity? It means that animating we have to imagine that the character will have all the weight of the body moved to that position and then will be unbalanced and will move to that position, if it tilts the body the weight unbalances it, if it rotates on itself this will take it out to centrifugal force, then you have to compensate by shifting the weight of the body.

When a character moves badly or is strange, do not look for technical reasons, but imagine where the weight is and check that it is in the right place.

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