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Batteries and ecology

As a good Genoese I was raised looking at the long term of every type of investment, and as a filmaker and not only, I always noticed a horrible thing, the poor battery life.

Every modern product from digital recorders to children's toys uses different types of batteries, which are key to how it works, but produces a monstrous amount of pollution!

Many people do not know that there are rechargeable batteries of virtually every type, except pill batteries, so they can significantly reduce global pollution. But if you're not convinced of this, I've compiled a small list of the benefits of rechargeables:

  • can store more energy than normal batteries
    imagine the classic 800 mAh stylus, rechargeables can be 2500 mAh.
  • can be recharged many times (more than a hundred),
    with a good charger that handles the discharge and charging that optimizes the use of cells.
  • Battery cost – charging energy generates a far lower cost than buying non-rechargeable batteries.
  • Rechargeables are normally of quality and well-known brands that guarantee greater environmental safety and more.
  • rechargeable batteries can be disposed of with less impact on the environment.
  • rechargeables are not left in the products, the lower the risk of abandoning batteries in the products.
  • more seals to prevent acid spills than the classics,
    see images of the article, of my recorder damaged by acid leakage a year before the battery expires.
  • you don't have to accumulate as many batteries in your home in the doubt that you are left without batteries.

The only thing to overcome is the laziness of charging batteries, but you know that you can protect the environment and the future of ours and our children.


In doubt I decided to make a small list of rechargeable batteries that I got to experiment with, and the chargers I use to keep the same at my best.

Stylus batteries and mini stylus

Panasonic Eneloop da 2500 mAh AA

Panasonic Eneloop da 2500 mAh AAA

efficient, fast charging and semi-infinite life, already verified 200 refills.

Batteries TOrcia and half torch and 9volt

Duracell Torch

Duracell Half Torch

Duracell 9volt

For all other feeding needs of other products.

Unfortunately, I have not yet found rechargeable pill batteries, and many toys, unfortunately, are still using this type of batteries, maybe in "battery" where they could use classic stylus.

Normally I use this type of charger to optimize the discharge and charging of batteries.

Technoline bc700
to recharge stylus batteries, run tests, unload them and regenerate semi-depleted battery cells


AnsMann double charger 9V

If you want to recharge your 9v batteries quickly and comfortably, these batteries are often present inside the radio microphones.


Ansmann Powerline Multiple Chargers

It charges all types of battery, both from a fixed current and a car, with USB output for multiple charging for USB devices.

Ac3 that nonsense that left us all on foot…

Dolby, the large company that produces the highest standards of audio, has always licensed software and operating systems to decode the Dolby AC3 codec.

There are many cameras, cameras that record in audio in AC3.

Dvd and bluray board readers have an AC3 decoder inside them

Most of my DVDs and many blurays have audio in AC3, and it's great thing given the quality of the audio, only recently supplanted by Dolby's new technologies, all these products have always boasted of using AC3, too bad that… No one knew they were all timed licenses, expired in 2018 …

The first signs came from Adobe at the end of last year, when the last update of THE CC2017 hid the bomb, if you opened the release notes you could read that that last upgrade did NOT fix bugs, DID NOT add anything, and smaller… TOGLIEVA the reading and writing support of the Dolby AC3 codec, but reassured by saying that anyway the operating system supported it so nothing would happen…

Millions of people who found themselves overnight in the morning with dumb projects, because they were still using a stable operating system (windows seven), and not one of the many Working in progress (from win 8 to win10) that every 5 days install and uninstall code almost at random (on my laptop for sure since they first install, then remove realizing that that code is not compatible with the hardware , but they don't even apologize for the 43 minutes lost between download downgrade upgrades that I lost), and AC3 in the system not even the shadow.

Windows 10 version 1703 TOGLIE AC3 support saying that it is the software manufacturers that have to support such codec, and Microsoft does not pay the license to dolby. Then strangely appears on the Microsoft store the possibility to buy the Dolby codec atomos, who knows if it also includes the old AC3?

Right now the DVD and bluray reading programs support and I suppose they pay the royalties to Dolby introducing it in development expenses, for me it would not be a problem to buy the codec, if it were possible, in my life as a filmaker I spent thousands of euros buying several over time, in the last 30 years I have seen many codecs not standard or better than the default ones , and it wouldn't be strange, but on products like Adobe I expect that given the size of the colossus or absorbs the cost, or increases by 10 cents per month the subscription and bon, not that they leave all users on foot from one day to the next, the figure of 10 cents is to earn on it, because if you go to the dolby site and look what a volume license costs for 1 or 2 million licenses , because for sure Adobe would not buy a single license, Adobe would also gain us on this operation, but they are no longer smart enough to do smart operations like these, better to get millions of professionals in trouble.

I know that many have responded, saying that they have not noticed the problem, that they continue to hear files in AC3, too bad that often it is people who watch movies downloaded illegally and encapsulated in the container .mkv and continue to hear movies reading them with VLC that is a player that has integrated all codecs and does not use the system ones. Or it's the ones who use software that pays the license are the ones who integrate the AC3 format, as Adobe did until 2017, and as DavinciResolve Studio does. All software that today uses system codecs encounter this problem.


If you still have Seven DON'T FATE UPGRADE so much now you don't need it anymore. There is a free solution that only works for Seven that is AC3 filter, install a 2014 version of Adobe products that still read codecs from the system in full and you can convert files with mediaencoders or mount them directly with Premiere 2014. If you have a project already done find the downgrade method in this article.

Another solution for windows 7,8,10 is to install this codec pack for AC3.

Or this other Windows 10 Codec Pack for AC3

For those with a minimum of historical memory it will seem to go back 20 years when for every video-audio operation on the computer you had to install codec packs, hoping that installing one thing would not damage another codec installation…

You can convert files, using free programs such as ffmpeg you can convert audio to uncompressed and rewrap the video h264/265 without losing quality.

You can write a simple script to do the rewrap via ffmpeg and the terminal or use one of the many graphical interfaces, I wrote an article on the rewrap using a free utility under Mac, Media converter, which allows you to bring to .mov with identical video and uncompressed audio your files with AC3 audio without spending anything and have more manageable audio in your applications in beard to these petty power games.

For windows I have not explored the different interfaces for ffmpeg, but you can write a simple batch and launch it to automatically convert the different files.

Let's go back, it was easy

Today many companies force us to be hostage to their software, their choices but above all their ERRORS!!!
Time makes the formats with which you saved post-production projects, assembly, graphics had a minimum of backward compatibility, but today we are forced to use the latest version of the program otherwise it is impossible to read a file made even with a later version.

The problem arises from the fact that today more than 10 years ago the developers have become cows (Italian term, cows is a vulgarism drawn from the Florentine and mistakenly absurd Italian term thinking that it is less vulgar than the term cow) to be milked from one program to another, and therefore in addition to having the frustration of being moved from one program to another , to the difficulty of having to put their hand every 6 months to code not theirs and often not commented, they have become entangled and develop the software getting worse and worse.

I often hear programmers protesting my name, but they do not know how to respond in the face of the evidence of programs that produce more and more errors and problems by pouring on the end user the problem of exporting the finished work in decent conditions or fighting with all the bugs that make the program close while one works.

Many companies take back compatibility with the excuse that in older versions certain features are missing, I answer that if the old features worked in the new programs, I would have no reason to downgrade to complete my work…

However today we see an unoptiable way of downgrading projects, for two Adobe software : After Effects and Premiere

After effects fortunately plans to open also in 2018 to go on file / save with name
and presents both the 2014 and the cc version. It is not a case of the choice of these two formats, in fact with the 2014 Adobe has concluded the development of different addons and software for both Premiere and AfterEffects, has stopped multiprocessor and multicore development, so if you open After 2015 and see it slower, here's why…
The CC version also plans to save for CS6, so that it can be compatible with the projects carried out in the past and be able to collaborate with those who still decided to continue with a product that had achieved its production stability in both stability and speed.

Premiere is a program for editors, so obviously less complex than a compositing program, for this reason Adobe preferred to avoid this draw, it does not allow the saving for the old versions of the Premiere program…
There is a trick to restore compatibility, a trivial and simple trick, but few know it :

The premiere file is a compressed xml with Gzip, so you can edit it with a trivial text editor. By default a Premiere file is saved with the extension "prproj", but by renaming it "zip" you will be able to unpack and read the text file contained in it. Opening it with an xml or text editor that doesn't alter the format, from simple text edit of windows to the mac text editor, just change the final entry of version to the value 1 in the fourth line, from

<Project ObjectID="1" ClassID="62ad66dd-0dcd-42da-a660-6d8fbde94876" Version="33">


<Project ObjectID="1" ClassID="62ad66dd-0dcd-42da-a660-6d8fbde94876" Version="1">

this way at the opening premiere will think it is a file of the first premiere, will read everything it can interpret and discard the unknown entries, allowing us to open the file in each version of premiere windows and mac.

Important is to remit (without recompressing is unnecessary and if you do not use gzip will give error) the extension ".prproj".

A trivial information but not too much is that the cloud system plans to install the old versions of the packages, but not at the same time, which entails several inconveniences and almost infinite times, anosse of… you don't go back in time and use the old-school methods, which is the installer…

Adobe apparently doesn't make the installers of the various cloud packages available directly, but luckily there is a site where we have the ability to find the official links on the Adobe site to download different versions of the Programs of the Cloud suite.

Remaster is good?

With bluray, the high-definition introduced in the early 2000s, the 4k of today, there is a blossoming of revivals of products and films that have been completely “remastered”–a rather disturbing term, both in video and audio. Why do I say disturbing? Because it is rarely about restoration or recovery of a film, but in most cases it is about heavily DAMAGING the original work according to the pseudo-taste of someone who allows himself to alter and in some cases ruin the original effort with interventions that are neither requested nor approved.

In the past I wrote an article about film, video formats and how in order to follow fashions films had been damaged by the pan and scan axe or worse in the 16:9 TV transition had been massacred again to “optimize” them to the new format, a terrible example being SamRaimi’s cult Evil Dead, The House, which was remastered from the original 16mm 3:2 into a forced 16:9 massacring it with brutal cutting above and below of the images.

unfortunately, not only were the 1990s and early 2000s the scene of the various kinds of savage cuts of shots without respecting the original framing in any way, but often damaging the narrative structure of the film, in Evil Dead key elements in the story are hidden by these cuts.

Jack Cardiff (1914-2009) was a Director of Photography who worked on almost 100 films, a lifetime achievement Oscar as DoP, several Oscar nominations and many other awards both nominated and won, so a technician and an artist of his work, who made thoughtful decisions and above all deserves respect for his work.

Why do I mention this author? Because I just bought the bluray of a film dear to me from childhood, The Eye of the Cat 1985 , a trilogy of stories written by Stephen King, Sometimes They Come Back, which have as their common denominator an alley cat.
It is a pity that in the current release one of these so-called remasters was performed…. if it had been a curated restoration with the supervision and approval of the director of photography, I could also understand, but unfortunately here we are talking about a massacre in the name of fashionable (modern) trends in color correction and image manipulation.

The master is from a film from the 1980s, so with grain present, with a certain kind of light and contrast, with colors that are not over-saturated, and a photography job of a certain kind. Unfortunately, whoever did the remastering followed a series of quite questionable and especially very trivial choices on a well-defined photograph. I decided to compare two masters, that of the English edition, more faithful to the original film master, and that of the Italian bluray received.

From the very first shots it is evident that minimal brightening has been applied to the film, a little dark, but the color has often been altered according to modern fashions and the Orange and teal trend. In this first image, it is evident how the shadows have been cooled, for no specific reason other than an inauspicious fashion…

In this next shot, which quotes another Stephen King film, Cujo, we realize that for no reason in the remaster the anonymous bin on the right has been nicely highlighted with saturation…which distracts from the original composition and the dog’s snout…who knows if the colorist in question was aware of the basics of light, color composition applied by the Director of Photography?


We are still in the opening credits, and after neutralizing the colors of the rear cartoons, the colors of the jeans have turned almost electric blue.



In this case, the rework is acceptable, except that the color was intentional, you can see the Tobacco-colored gradual ND filter gradient at the top…but to this colorist it probably looked too 80s (hey! it’s a film shot in the 80s).

Another intervention on the blues, notice the greenish dress turning blue for no reason (and the other colors stayed more or less the same), but you have to give importance to that anonymous extra…surely the costume designer is happy that her choices are altered after 30 years…

Again, for no reason we see this orange-less Teal on the door beside the actor. I wonder if the costume designer would have been pleased to know that the colorist wants to claim the right to change the set design.


And here we fall down … because if you do a remaster I expect to see a better, cleaner, more legible image, not that a night is made more saturated and darker than the original … this is not a night effect 🙁


Let’s introduce more problems, let’s put a strong saturation behind the actress by bringing the dress the same color as the background, so it blends in better, or we lose the effect let’s stack the image well if not you can see that the cinematographer knew how to work…

This time it’s curious how he decided to remove the green dominance of the walls, without touching the rest… maybe he thought they were a mistake introduced by the cheap LED lighting… ah no, they weren’t around in the 1980s, they used Tungsten lamps….
If he had seen the film a couple of times he would have noticed that green is used in the cinematography on a symbolic level and appears several times at certain times in the film.
A technique also used by Dean Cudney in Carpenter’s classic “The Thing” by anticipating with the color of light the arrival of one of the characters possessed by the alien.

Another shot like, if it’s not blue, it can’t be a night shot, necessarily….




Here Drew Barrymore was too visible, so since it’s supposed to be night, let’s take everything to blue, darken, flatten the shot and make it less readable…



Let’s go replicate the look of Underworld, it’s horror anyway, they’re all the same, right ? the fact that you lose the hand of the evil gnome in the middle of the dark because there’s no more contrast with the red…

or that sweet Drew becomes a kind of pale vampire in her little room is just a detail, who pays attention?



The scene is lit, but we make it blue, so it looks more nocturnal to gloomy, the fact that there are highlights, reflected light etc and directional shadows no one notices them…



Here then the best of, a close-up on which we not only flatten the figure of the cat but make little Drew a vampire… yeah because the complexion if it were hit by blue light would not reflect the blue color like that, but the blood reflects the light… that kind of rendering depicted here is given by corpses or the living dead.

Now I understand that those who are ignorant of these matters might feel that I am taking it too hard for a few changes, but the serious thing is that one person has damaged the work of several teams of professionals in one fell swoop, changing the choices of the dop, the editor (because brightness and color are elements to be considered in editing), set and costume designers. I find it embarrassing that in order to follow fashions of some kind you turn the work of several people into an almost digital detour of a FILM, because to top it all off, there is also a certain level of pop in the images, that beautiful invention that turns even Barry Lyndon into the worst digital image from a low-level handycam.

The bizarre Horror genre … The real forge of talent…

Johnny Deep in Nightmare on Elm Street

It is ironic to note how often critics speak ill of a genre that often gives actors a chance to stand out : Horror

Future Villain for Tarantino

The genre often falls into the low budget, especially compared to classic productions, so up-and-coming actors often make parts in the genre where more high-profile names are not manageable with the reduced budgets of the Horror genre.

Any names? Just so we don’t fall into the generic, or talk about actors who are then known only to fans of the genre? And in any case, every great actor has had his detour into the more or less noble genre of Horror.

  • Angelina Voight Jolie makes her debut in the 1993 fantasyhorror Cyborg 2 glass shadow
  • Brad Pitt made his debut at a very young age, but his star began to shine with Interview with the Vampire in 1994 with Tom Cruise
  • Charlize Theron, now recognized as a great actress after her Oscar for Monster and her performance in MadMax Fury Road, made her debut in The Children of the Corn III
  • Clint Eastwood debuted in 1955 ‘s Revenge of the Black Lagoon Monster and in the same year also in Jack Arnold’s Tarantula
  • Demi Moore, before ghost was in the 1980 trashy horror fanta Parasite
  • George Clooney is very young when he appears in the horror comedy The Return of the Killer Tomatoes in 1988, and before that in Grizzly II 1983 , and even before that The School of Horrors 1987
  • Julianne Moore before being Hannibal Lecter’s slayer was Susan in The Black Cat Crimes (1990), the dark lady Connie Stone in the supernatural noir Murders and Spells (1991), returning often to the genre as in 2013 in the remake of Carrie the Look of Satan,
  • The great Jack Nicholson, began in 1960’s Little Shop of Horrors, eventually being directed by Kubrik in 1980’s The Shining, and then transformed into Werewolf in 1994’s Wolf
  • Jamie Lee Curtis is one of the first women to revolutionize the victim-perpetrator axiom in John Carpenter’s 1978 Halloween
  • Jennifer Aniston in 1993 is scared to death by the Leprechaun before she was even Rachel from Friends
  • Johnny Deep before he was Tim Burton’s fetish and Jack Sparrow was one of Freddy Krueger’s first victims in 1984’s Nightmare on Elm street
  • John Travolta, before Saturday Night Fever, was taking his first steps on the set of Brian de Palma’s Carrie
  • Kate winslet, before boarding the Titanic to play Rose, had been one of the muses in Peter Jackson’s 1994 fantasy horror Creatures of Heaven
  • Keanu Reeves, before he was immortalized in The Matrix, before he was the action star with Speed, and shortly after becoming a sex symbol in Point Break, it was playing Jonathan Harker in Coppola’s Dracula in 1992 that he became a legend
  • Kevin Bacon has the honor of being one of Jason’s first victims in 1980’s Friday the 13th
  • Leonardo di Caprio before being the star of MrGraves and Titanic fights space hamsters in Critters 3 in 1991
  • Liam Neeson before he was enshrined in the mainstream with Schindlers’ List was Dr. Peyton WestLake in Sam Raimi’s 1990 horror superhero Darkman, and even before that in the 1988 fantasy horror comedy High Spirits with Peter O’Toole and Daryl Hannah
  • Linda Hamilton, before taking down Terminator, was featured in 1979’s Wishman, and then was the lead in 1984’s Children of the Corn before filming the first Terminator
  • Luke Perry, who on TV is the Dylan all the little girls died behind, made his film debut a couple of years later, in 1992 with the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie
  • Meg Ryan before being America’s sweetheart was the little girl’s friend in the haunted house in Amitiville 3 D
  • Michelle Pfeiffer has always frequented the genre, we want to remember her for 1983’s Scarface, or for being the delightful Isaboe in LadyHawk, or Sukie Ridgemont in The Witches of Eastwick, and then becoming a charming werewolf in Wolf in the company of Jack Nicholson, and then again in Burton’s Dark Shadow,
  • Mila Kunis tackles in 1995’s Piranha to make her way into the ocean of cinema
  • Robert De niro, though not early in his career, did not disdain playing Frankestein’s monster, as opposed to the doctor, played by Kenneth Branagh in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein of the same name
  • Sam Elliot in 1972 launched himself with the film Frogs
  • Scarlett Johansson before becoming the Black Widow was a teenager in the genre film Arac Attack in 2002
  • Sharon Stone in 1981 was brought to prominence by Wes Craven in Deadly Blessing
  • Sigurney Weaver had already done a few films, but the masterpiece that launched her was Scott’s first Alien in 1979
  • Tim Curry, histrionic, versatile performer has crossed every genre and character, but for most he remains Dr. Frank-o-furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • Tom Cruise was already known to the general public with risky business, but the breakthrough came when directed by Ridley Scott in Legend
  • Tom Hanks made his debut in 1980 in he knows you are alone
  • Winona Ryder owes her launch to Tim Burton’s horror comedy BeetleJuice in 1988 and then in Coppola’s Dracula in 1992
  • the homegrown Zingaretti makes his debut in an Italian-American horror production Castle freak.

In short this little roundup to remind how horror genre cinema has always been prolific of actors, directors, etc. but they are often remembered for other performances … after all already at the birth of cinema one can count a lot of horror films, in 1890 …

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